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Does strong sweating cause discomfort? Antiperspirants are the way to go

Antiperspirants inhibit excessive sweating by reducing body perspiration. They are the least invasive and affordable treatment to strong sweating. Doctors recommend that you first try antiperspirant before considering other invasive therapies. They can be applied to underarms, feet, hands, forehead and face. They are applied on top of the skin hence also called topical treatments.

How do antiperspirants work?

Once an antiperspirant is applied to the affected area, perspiration in the applied area grabs and dissolves the compound particles. They then pull them into the pores to form sturdy plugs just below the skin surface. And because our bodies are controlled by messages, the body feels that the sweat duct is plugged and sends feedback to stop sweat flow. The plug can stay active for around 1 to 5 days before it's washed away. Antiperspirants are readily available over the counter, and in some instances, they are prescribed by a health care provider. Products sold over the counter also have clinical strength to combat excessive sweating. However, these products are a bit expensive. Products with clinical strength reduce excessive sweating compared to traditionally developed products. An active and robust antiperspirant is made of salts. Clinically developed products contain a higher concentration of these salts. The most active antiperspirant contains aluminium chloride hexahydrate. These products should be used precisely as instructed to avoid skin irritation. The concentration of aluminium chloride hexahydrate in products varies with the body part in question. For example, a concentration of 10% to 20% is recommended for underarms anti strong sweating products, and a concentration of around 20% for hands and feet products. Generally, physicians with vast knowledge in the industry prefer a systematic approach to fighting excessive sweating with an antiperspirant. You should start with a gentle product to gauge whether it has any side effect. If the excessive sweating inhibiting product works smoothly, you can go on to embrace clinically development antiperspirants.

What is excessive sweating?

This is a condition whereby the body cooling mechanism is over-reactive. It is so over-reactive that you may sweat four to five times than normal. Strong sweating can be uncomfortable, embarrassing, dangerous, anxiety-inducing, and simultaneously, disabling. It may causes an unpleasant smell that may lead you to prefer isolation. It disrupts all aspects of life, ranging from recreational activities, career choice, self-confidence, and emotional well-being. Strong sweating is a weighty medical condition that can’t be overlooked. Excessive sweating is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide. However, due to lack of awareness among the affected, most people believe strong sweating is normal and are never relieved of their symptoms. At SweatStop®, we are dedicated to creating more awareness about this debilitating condition and relief sufferers. If you are a sufferer of strong sweating, you should know that antiperspirants are a potent treatment to this condition. Other Body Parts to Apply Antiperspirant Other Than Your Armpits Excessive sweating is mainly associated with armpits, but that is not the only place that strong sweating occurs. There are other body parts to apply antiperspirants.  

Antiperspirants for feet

Excessive sweating in your heels may cause blisters. When you feel a blister on your feet, pull out antiperspirant. You can stop strong sweating on your feet by rubbing a rollerball alongside your feet and around your heels. Antiperspirant creates a layer of lubrication that inhibits friction. This will help you to walk freely without fear of developing band-aids.

Antiperspirants for the face and forehead

Applying anti sweating products on your face sounds must be softer than other formulas. A lotion antiperspirant can go a long way.

Antiperspirants for hands

Do you have clammy hands? Stop excessive hand sweating with an antiperspirant. Apply it as instructed to have the best results. 

Antiperspirants for head

Strong sweating around the hairline is irritating. The sweat runs down to the eyes, which is quite embarrassing. This kind of sweating mostly affects onstage performers and frequent runners. The good news is that you can rub an antiperspirant around the hairline to keep your neck moisture-free. To avoid flakes, use an invisible formula.

Antiperspirants for back

Itchy red bumps at your waistline are things you want to do away with. To stop strong sweating on this area, apply antiperspirant around your inner wear line to avoid razor burns. Make sure you use a different stick from the one you apply on your underarms.

Are you using antiperspirant in the right way?

Excessive sweating is no joke. Stained clothes and unpleasant smell appeal to no man. Many people tend to use deodorants in an attempt to combat excessive sweating. Nevertheless, deodorants only eradicate the odour thus do not treat the source. Many people have heard about antiperspirants, but unfortunately, they are not use them in the right way. It is prudent to know that deodorants are designed to mask smell whilst antiperspirant is designed to prevent excessive sweating. Surprising fresh sweat is odourless. The unpleasant smell is produced when the sweat is broken down by bacteria on the skin. Any sufferer of body odour should use a pH-balanced soap. A pH-balanced soap washes out perfumed products that can alter skin pH, making it a better environment for bacteria to thrive. Applying Antiperspirant in The Evening Naturally, we want to remain fresh the whole day. That’s why we tend to apply antiperspirant in the morning. However, we do it in the wrong way. Antiperspirant should instead be applied in the evening to leave them on the skin overnight. This will lead to a long-lasting effect in fighting strong sweating. You can wash your armpits thoroughly with soap and water the following morning.

How to choose an antiperspirant for a sensitive skin?

Some skins react when they come into contact with foreign materials such as soaps, jewellery, and laundry detergents. If you have such skin, you know the essence of pampering it. Underarms are more sensitive since they are made of thin, delicate skin. Also, the underarm area is warm and moist; thus, it is a breeding ground for bacteria. When you want to combat strong sweating, look for a sensitive product. Most important is the correct application of antiperspirants to avoid any skin irritation. Mostly you have to apply on dry skin in the evening before bedtime. Follow instruction carefully.