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diagnosis hyperhidrosis
It must be pointed out at the outset that any method of diagnosis has its inaccuracy considering the determination of the degree of intensity of hyperhidrosis. There are no indicators that are 100% correct. For this reason, often a diagnosis is set aside. In practice, as soon as one finds sweating displeasing and feels queasy, seeking medical advice or betaking to an antiperspirant has established itself.
The anamnestic readings are generally sufficient to diagnose hyperhidrosis. The detailed anamnesis helps to determine to which extend the illness is a strain for the organism and which contraindication should be taken into account.
There are a lot of methods to measure excessive sweating, however the sweating test after Minor (iodine-starch reaction) is suited to be the best in practice. Thereby the affected spot is moistened with a solution containing iodine and then benumbed with a starch powder. A dark staining is appearing in the area of the sweating secretion. The greater the formation of sweat, the bigger the staining is.
The sweating test after Minor is applicable absolutely painless. The ones who do not want to go through this test though, may diagnose themselves easily. The questions listed in the following are supportive:

Self-assessment checklist


How much do I sweat?

  • hardly
  • moderate
  • excessive (hyperhidrosis)

Does my sweat smell?

  • No
  • Yes, but not particularly intense
  • Yes, very intense (bromhidrosis)

Where do I sweat?

  • localized (sweat secretion at a distinct location)
  • generalized (sweat secretion on the whole body)

How does my sweating come about?

Frequent causes for excessive sweating can be of physiological as well as of pathological nature.
1. Physiological 
  • thermo regulatory: through high temperatures or physical strain
  • emotional: through nervousness, stress, fear, excitement, anger, pain,… 
  • gustatory: through sour or spicy food 
  • toxic: through diverse substances that the body does not tolerate
2.  Pathological
  • hormonal disorders: e.g. thyroid hyperfuntion, diabetes
  • neurological diseases: e.g. Ross-Syndrom
  • diseases with high fever: e.g. tuberculosis
  • women’s menopause ailments
  • men’s andropause ailments
  • Symptom itself represents the illness